How do I rent a scanner?

  • There are 8 scanners – 3 Matterport Pro3s and 5 Leica BLK360s. 4 of the BLK360s have the new USB port for downloading scans.
  • Two of the BLK360s are for sale at $10,000 each.
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  • Check the Pricing page. Rental Pricing
  • Then send an email to aeronautica3d@gmail.com with your requirements.
  • All typical shipments are Scanner/Tripod Adapter/3 Batteries for BLK and 1 Battery for PRO3/Battery Charger  –  all placed in a FEDEX Medium or Large Box. You can reuse the box to return the shipment when done. Shipments are 1-2 days ship. FREE shipping both ways.

Do I need insurance?

  • OPTION 1 – Provide your own INSURANCE CERTIFICATE (COI) Insurance companies usually categorize these devices under Inland Marine Insurance.
    OPTION 2 – $20 extra per rental period. Plus commitment to pay for damages. (not wear and tear damages, but hit or dropped damages and where camera does not function due to any damage).
    BLK360: small scratches okay, but dents might indicate drop and if camera does not function then that would be cause for claim (up to $8000 repairs and $17,000 replacement, and $2000 loss revenue if out 2 months- 9-11 weeks repair cycles)
    PRO3: small scratches okay, but dents might indicate drop and if camera does not function then that would be cause for claim (up to $6000 repairs or replacement cost and $1000 loss revenue)
    We can provide the SN of the scanner if/when required.

Do I need an APP license to run the scanner?

Typically yes. You could just start taking scans without an ipad for the BLK. Just push the button and scan. After all the scans are done, use a free app called BLK360 Data Manager (free windows app), and download the data onto your computer. The format of the files will be .BLK. .BLK files are only opened using Leica software.

The most typical workflow seen by renters is the use of the Matterport app or Leica Cyclone Register 360 (BLK Edition). The latter will export out .RCP or E57 formats for the Autocad users. You can get this Lecia app on a weekly/monthly/yearly use. Contact Megan Cowles at Leica for questions. It is recommended you start early at getting setup with a license as this process can take longer than expected